Ten days, and counting. The 'prudence' tag stuck in my craw slightly though. "...the Greens emphasise their prudence and sense of responsibility at every turn. ..." That was from Mark Hennessy's coverage of our Economics Policy launch a fortnight ago. Well, I guess it is prudent to save the planet, so maybe I'll just have to live with it. It sits uneasily with my introduction to politics while roaring through a megaphone at an angry crowd outside City Hall, but that was twenty years ago, and sure even Ruairi Quinn has mellowed somewhat with age.
It's easy to list the highlights of the campaign so far
1. Fianna Fail launching their Plan for Dublin Bay over the weekend. Imitation being the sincerest form of flattery, and all that.
2. Being asked for my autograph twice today (admittedly by two twelve year old children)
3. Seven days of fantastic sunshine after the election was called, and most of the posters up by that Wednesday, thanks team!
4. Opening my sister Susan's sculpture exhibition in the Dalkey Heritage Centre last week.
5. Canvassing with my cousin Kathleen on Friday, and receiving a master-class in American electioneering
"You got to work for that vote, compliment them, squeeze their hand, give them a hug." - -"Kathleen, I can't hug a 70 year old women, I'll be arrested."
"It worked for Bill Clinton, didn't it?"
-"Yeh, but look what happened to him"
"But he got to be President"
Eventually my sister pointed out that Americans run for office, whereas we stand for election, so we agreed on a less touch-feely routine.
And the lows...
1. Friday's Parking ticket, enough said...
2. The smell of Polypropylene on my hands from the election posters. (yes we are recycling them, into sewer pipes)
3. The old 'I haven't seen much of you in the last five years" line, and my far too flippant response "Well, we have visited 29,000 homes in the last twelve months, and I suppose I could get to more houses, but it's hard to be in the Dáil as well as call around to everyone all of the time". I should of course have used the line - "Would you like to see me every week?"
4. Canvassing Gordon Avenue in Foxrock. It seemed like half a mile between houses, and all we met were Polish landscapers apologising to us for not having a vote
5. Being turfed off the pier by the Harbour Company for displaying our 'Stop Climate Change' Poster. "This is private property". "But..."
Oh, the pic is of the team taking some time out on the beach at Sandycove last week in the good weather. Trevor's on the left, then Councillor Kealin Ireland my Campaign Manager, myself, Councillor Nessa Childers, and Councillor Tom Kivlehan.
Thank you team, for your trojan work, we're almost there!
*mutters bitterly about pier incident*
cute blog! you say prudent a tad bit too much :D
oh and congrats on being elected :D
Funny that Gordon Avenue is such a low point - you take a turn off Westminster Road on which the houses are much further apart, having much more land. All of Gordon Avenue is now being redeveloped by people selling off their gardens, so you won't have too much to worry about in 5 years time. Cannot believe you would begrudge people having 1/4 acre gardens. I am a Green in your constituency and you have just lost my vote forever.
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