Dublin Bay. Love it, hate it, ignore it at your peril. For many of us it's on our doorstep. We swim in it fish in it and dumped our
sewage in it until recently.. The good news is its getting cleaner. The bad news is that nobody's in charge. That's why I'm organising a Conference -
Dublin Bay Futures on Saturday 8th April in the
Kingston Hotel, Dún Laoghaire between 10 am and 4 pm. We've a good line-up of speakers - Karin Dubsky of
Coastwatch Europe, Dick Gleeson the Dublin City Planning Officer, Michael Collins of the
S2S coastal cycleway proposal, even Richard Boyd Barrett from
Save our Seafront. Should we build on the Poolbeg peninsula? What future for
Dún Laoghaire baths? All of this, and more. You can register online, and its free. Hope to see you there.