03 January, 2017

Tackling decades of dereliction

What an extraordinary story!

Just a day after my rant about the new Vacant Sites Levy I get an email from someone in Phibsborough, upset about the continued dereliction of buildings on his street.

"I wonder if you can help. Myself & other residents of Connaught St, Phibsboro have been engaged with Dublin City Council for almost a decade regarding three derelict addresses, Numbers 7, 19 & 21 – the only three vacant on our thriving strip of ~150 family homes. But we are now stuck.
"These three properties are under three different ownerships, and each has been left unoccupied since the 1980s. In 2012 the state of dereliction became so awful, that Dublin City Council had to buttress, and make emergency repairs to prevent the terrace coming down. At that point, all three properties were on the Register of Derelict Sites. Dublin City Council made emergency repairs to the roofs & outer brickwork, and boarded up all accesses as shown in the images below.
                Locals were under the impression thereafter that the sites were in the process of being acquired by Dublin City Council. In December 2016, after inquiry, we find that there is no process ... in train, and that the sites are no longer on the Register of Derelict Sites.
"The impossible aspect of the problem as we see it is this:
·         In 2012 when there was no Housing Crisis, but the sites were derelict. Dublin City Council Boarded them up.
·         In 2017 when the Council’s Housing Development unit is actively looking to acquire such properties to meet the housing crisis, they cannot – as the houses are boarded up too neatly, and thus are not derelict."

 Ironically the new Vacant Site Levy won't apply as the houses between them only amount to 400 square metres, including the back garden and the threshold for inclusion is 500 square metres.

I've replied to the resident saying that I'll submit the following Question for written reply by Owen Keegan next month.

“That the Chief Executive present a report on actions that Dublin City has  taken to render 19 & 21 Connaught Street, Phibsborough, Dublin 7 non-derelict, and to present any opinion that he may have (including advice from the Law Agent) indicating that the properties are no longer derelict given that they are boarded up, have Buddleia bushes growing out of the roofs, and decaying masonry, and are located in a Residential Conservation Area, and could he outline what action he now intends to take to ensure that these homes are made available to assist in the tackling of Dublin’s housing crisis. Furthermore would he agree that the empty state of these homes for more than a decade necessitates a more proactive approach by the Council?”

From my perspective as a councillor it seems that we need to broaden the definition of what constitutes a derelict or vacant site, and lobby Minister Simon Coveney to set the minimum threshold at 100 sq. m. rather than the current 500 sq. m. in the 2015 Urban Regeneration and Housing ActWe also need to get the Vacant Sites Register up and running as soon as possible, and I've already written to Owen Keegan asking him to do so. 

I'll keep you posted. 


Macker said...

The definition is obviously too broad and needs to be simplified in the light of the current crisis. A simplified definition might read "Currently Unoccupied, Former Residential Unit". The levy should be applied immediately the property is identified and remain active until such time as the owner provides evidence that all local charges are paid up-to-date and that such services as power/gas, waste collection are also in place and that the property is occupied for at least 6 months of any calendar year. Once such proof is provided, the levy can be returned.

Anonymous said...

The old canard: fundamental constitutional rights...
ARTICLE 40 (continued)
3 1° The State guarantees in its laws to respect, and,
as far as practicable, by its laws to defend and
vindicate the personal rights of the citizen.
2° The State shall, in particular, by its laws protect
as best it may from unjust attack and, in the case of
injustice done, vindicate the life, person, good
name, and property rights of every citizen.


Anonymous said...

1 1° The State acknowledges that man, in virtue of
his rational being, has the natural right,
antecedent to positive law, to the private
ownership of external goods.
2° The State accordingly guarantees to pass no
law attempting to abolish the right of private
ownership or the general right to transfer,
bequeath, and inherit property.

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to know who owns these vacant properties. Is it in any way significant that Dublin City Council repaired the houses to the extend that they are now not derelict? Who paid for the work carried out by the Council? Have any DCC staff a personal or business interest in these properties?

Anonymous said...

I believe the last person to own the houses (possibly still does) is a retired garda

Anonymous said...

Possibly, https://www.rte.ie/news/2010/1215/295591-galvink/

Niall said...

While you are at it what about the derelict property on O'Connell Avenue (No.10). It lay vacant for a number of years but is now occupied by squatters for about 2 years. The roof is in serious danger of caving in and God only knows what they are using for power. It needs to be looked into asap