Then out into the sunshine, and a scene that was more like an all-Ireland than the plinth of Leinster House. Bertie came out too, and it seemed odd to see him mixing with the crowds of Cowen supporters , a bit like the ex-boyfriend at the wedding.
I had been a bit worried at Cowen's speech earlier: the only mention of green seemed to be his discussion of Des Geraghty's book, 'Forty Shades of Green'. ,Once copies of Cowen's speech were circulated I raced ahead as he named his cabinet to the last few pages of his script...
"...Our economic growth path has been the envy of many but now is the time to broaden our definition of the success of the nation. Economic growth must progress two pillars of sustainable development: society and the environment.
"The World faces challenges to redress the human impact on the environment, no more so than in the area of climate change...post-Kyoto commitments...environment and economy are interdependent...government can lead change in respect of the environment..."
And Bertie? He's in the centre of the pic, between the window and the door of Leinster House. Though right now, I'd imagine he's walking through his beloved "Bot' " in Glasnevin, smelling the flowers, and plotting his next career move.
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